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Neuveröffentlichung : Hip Hop Roots

Tommy Boy Presents : Hip Hop Roots

You may have heard about the forthcoming 12-track compilation CD due next month called: Tommy Boy Presents: Hip Hop Roots. The album contains David Bowie's classic track, Fame, from Young Americans just in time for the 30th anniversary of the release of the single.
Compiled by Tom Silverman, founder and CEO of Tommy Boy, the release features: "twelve of the most sampled tracks that would become building blocks of Hip Hop music."
I was surprised to see Fame clocking in at four minutes and fifty seconds on the promo CD. (The normal album version is 4:12 while the single edit is just 3:25)
I think a clue to this different edit lays in the press release, which states: "Legendary DJ and producer, Jazzy Jay, added his extra special flavor to the compilation by editing a few tracks the way he would have done live in 1980, at the T-Connection." So I'm guessing that Fame is one of the tracks that received this treatment.
It seems that after the familiar intro, the extra 25 seconds or so are spliced in so that the descending "Fame, fame, fame, fame..." hook is included before the main vocal starts...which now doesn't come in for a minute and a quarter.
While it doesn't sound a big deal, it actually works really well and I don't think people who aren't as familiar with the song as you or I would necessarily notice. It's just a great way of getting a longer version of the track without it being a nasty remix.
As I'm sure you all know, Fame was David's first US #1 and it probably helped secure him a place as one of the first white musicians to appear on Soul Train (see pic above) on which he also performed Golden Years from the forthcoming Station To Station album.


Mal wieder was für die Sammelwütigen unter uns. "Fame" in einem leicht verändertem Mix.

Neuveröffentlichung : Hip Hop Roots

Antwort #1
Ist das dann eine Hip Hop Version? Kann mir Fame in Hip Hop irgendwie überhaupt nicht vorstellen.

Neuveröffentlichung : Hip Hop Roots

Antwort #2
Da gabs doch mal einen Haufen merkwürdiger Fame Versionen, oder? So Queen Latifah Mix usw., das war auch strange.

Neuveröffentlichung : Hip Hop Roots

Antwort #3
Ist das dann eine Hip Hop Version? Kann mir Fame in Hip Hop irgendwie überhaupt nicht vorstellen.

Gemeint ist wohl das in einigen (vielen?) Hip Hop Tracks Samples (Soundschnipsel) von Fame benutzt wurden/werden.

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