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Red Hot Chili Peppers

Gitarre & Bass Zeitschrift

Nachdem John Frusciante wieder zu den Red Hot Chili Peppers gestoßen ist, wurde bereits bekannt, dass sie an einem neuen Album werkeln. Auch Kult-Produzent Rick Rubin ist erneut involviert. Nun gibt’s Neuigkeiten zum Release: Die Platte „Unlimited Love“ kommt am 1. April, kein Scherz, und mit 17 neuen Songs! Hört euch jetzt schon die erste Single an …

Frusciante ist zum ersten Mal seit dem Mega-Erfolg „Stadium Arcadium“ von 2006 wieder mit an Bord. Für ihr zwölftes Studioalbum haben die Kalifornier sich eigenen Angaben nach ganz in der Musik verloren, gemeinsam und individuell tausende Stunden investiert, ihr musikalisches Handwerk verfeinert, sich gegenseitig unterstützt und das bestmögliche Album gemacht.

Ich freue mich auf die CEDE wieder „guter Punk-Rock“
Angeblich soll das Album Funk- Rockig klingen, wie „Randy“ ist das  denn??


Antw.: Red Hot Chili Peppers

Antwort #1
Wie man heute lesen konnte, feierte Anthony Kiedis nun auch schon seinen 60. Geburtstag!
Wer hätte das gedacht...   ???

Ich war zwar nie der allergrößte "Peppers"-Fan, aber da gratulieren wir doch recht herzlich!   :D

HaPpYbIrThDaY! :D

Zur Feier des Tages dieses Kleinod aus den Tiefen des Web:

Details 1993 Changing Fashion

Zitat von: reddit user
Changing Fashions (1993) A short film directed by Paul Morrissey for Details magazine.
Features Debbie Harry, Anthony Kiedis, Sofia Coppola, Thurston Moore, Kim Gordon,
and lots of drag queens.

Here's a Weird Little Movie That Debbie Harry & Sofia Coppola & Anthony Kiedis & Sonic Youth Made
for 'Details' Magazine in 1993

 In the 1993 music issue of Details there was a fashion spread starring Anthony Kiedis, his girlfriend Sofia Coppola, Debbie Harry,
Kim Gordon, Thurston Moore, and a bunch of beautiful drag queens. The magazine came with a pull-out poster for the make-
believe movie that the fashion spread was supposedly based on; it was called Sick: A Love Story, and I kept that poster taped to
my wall for all of eleventh grade. Anthony was my favorite (still is!) and I had a strange fascination with Sofia, who at that point was
22-years-old and mainly known to me as one of the disco-hippie girls eating bananas in the video for "Deeper and Deeper" by
Madonna. Until last Thursday, when a benevolent stranger emailed me a link to the YouTube video below, I never knew that Sick
really was made into a short film. It's directed by Paul Morrissey (who made Chelsea Girls and a bunch of other Andy Warhol
movies), and it's so goofy and fun and absolutely worth waiting 21 long years for....

Strawberry Fields Whatever: Here's a Weird Little Movie That Debbie Harry &...

Review by MurrMurr ★★★
If you want to see Debbie Harry shepherding Sofia Coppola and Anthony Kedis around New Yawk, with
an appearance by Sonic Youth and drag queens – and who wouldn't? – here's a short movie for you.
Directed by that odd duck Paul Morrissey.
It's all fairly pointless – a trifle commissioned by Details magazine – but not unenjoyable, either.
‎Changing Fashions (1993) directed by Paul Morrissey • Reviews, film + cast...


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