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Suche Titel! "It's too late"

Eine Freundin von mir bat mich, nach einem Song von David Bowie zu suchen-sie hatte keinen Erfolg.
Ich auch nicht... :cry:
Daher meine Frage:
kennt jemand den Song von David Bowie-It's to late?
(so soll der jedenfalls heißen)
Ich kenne mich da überhaupt nicht aus....
Aber da das ein David Bowie-Forum ist. hoffe ich. dass ihr mir helfen könnt...
Falls den Song jemand kennt:Wo gibt  es dann den Song zum Herunterladen?

(ich weiß, ich stelle ganz schön viele Fragen heute...)
Bitte helft mir,
ich möchte sie nicht entäuschen...


Suche Titel! "It's too late"

Antwort #1
Also ich kenne keine Song von Bowie der It´s to late heißt.
Spontan fällt mir jetzt nur "Station to Station" ein. In dem Song kommt It´s to late recht häufig vor.

Grübel, Grübel...

Antwort #2
... könnte es sein dass "Station to Station" gemeint ist? Audio-File kann ich leider nicht zu Verfügung stellen aber hier zumindest mal der Text. Vielleicht erkennt Deine Freundin den Song dann wieder?

The return of the Thin White Duke
Throwing darts in lovers' eyes
Here are we, one magical moment, such is the stuff
From where dreams are woven
Bending sound, dredging the ocean, lost in my circle
Here am I, flashing no colour
Tall in my room overlooking the ocean

Here are we, one magical movement from Kether to Malkuth
There are you, you drive like a demon from station to station
The return of the Thin White Duke, throwing darts in lovers' eyes
The return of the Thin White Duke, throwing darts in lovers' eyes
The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stays

Once there were mountains on mountains
And once there were sunbirds to soar with
And once I could never be down
I got to keep searching and searching
Oh, what will I be believing and who will connect me with love?
Wonderful, wonderful, wonder when
Have you sought fortune, evasive and shy?
Drink to the men who protect you and I
Drink, drink, drain your glass, raise your glass high

It's not the side-effects of the cocaine
I'm thinking that it must be love
It's too late - to be grateful
It's too late - to be late again
It's too late - to be hateful

The european canon is here

I must be only one in a million
'cause I can't pass the day without her
It's too late - to be grateful
It's too late - to be late again
It's too late - to be hateful

The european canon is here

Should I believe that I've been stricken?
Does my face show some kind of glow?
It's too late - to be grateful
It's too late - to be late again
It's too late - to be hateful

The european canon is here,
It's too late
It's too late, it's too late, it's too late, it's too late

The european canon is here,
And yes it's too late
It's too late, it's too late, it's too late, it's too late

The european canon is here,
And yes, it's too late
It's too late, it's too late, it's too late, it's too late

The european canon is here,

The return of the Thin White Duke, throwing darts in lovers' eyes
The return of the Thin White Duke, throwing darts in lovers' eyes
The return of the Thin White Duke, making sure white stays

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