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96 Tears | SdT 18.12.2022

96 Tears

Krise? Jetzt gehts los! Die Wohnung ist kalt, Einkaufen ist teuer, die Regierung hat`s verbockt und die Spezial-Operation läuft auch nicht wie erhofft. Ich könnte weinen, weinen, weinen wie ein
: 96 Tränen laufen in Strömen über mein Gesicht.

Von 96 verflossenen Tränen verdrücke ich eine vor Glück. In meinem Falle ist das Glück schwarz und rund. Es drehen sich Question Mark & the Mysterians auf meinen Plattenteller und als Liebhaber oller Sixties-Garage-Kamellen könnte ich schreien vor Glück.

96 Tears, ein Millionenseller den heute kaum noch einer kennt. Ich vermute mal, dass unser Iggy Zeitzeuge war und mehr als ein Konzert dieser mysteriösen Band besuchte. Ihr Bandleader Rudy Martinez „Question Mark“ kam aus Mexico und gründete mit weiteren Exil-Mexikanern Mitte der Sechziger Jahre in Detroit eine Band namens „Question Mark & the Mysterians“. Schnell erspielten sie sich einen Ruf als gute Live-Band, versandten ein Demo, ergatterten einen Plattenvertrag und landeten mit der Single 96 Tears einen überraschenden Nummer 1 Hit in den USA. Wat es nich all'ns gift, dat Leven kann af un to so eenfach wesen.

Und was hat diese unglaubliche Geschichte nun mit der aktuellen Krisensituation und all den vergossenen Tränen zu tun?

Viel, denn Iggy Pop spielte im Jahre 1977 auf einigen Konzerten diesen Klassiker im Medley mit 1969 und No Fun. Iggy schaute zurück ins trostlose Detroit. Die Endsechziger waren kein Spaß für unseren Iggy: Da war der Krieg in Vietnam. Obdach- und arbeitslos brachte es Iggy auf eine simple Feststellung, zwei Worte, fünf Buchstaben: No Fun!!

Und dann mündet in diesem knochentrocken heruntergespielten Medley alles in 96 Tears.

Die Tränen strömen, strömen, strömen wie ein
: Bowie spielt das Piano ohne jeglichen Sinn für Humor und ist auch an den Backingvocals beteiligt, weint somit mit Iggy um die Wette: So viele Tränen strömen über Ihre Gesichter. Ich habe sie gezählt: Es waren 96 Tränen….

Antw.: 96 Tears | SdT 18.12.2022

Antwort #1
ich konnte bis eben weinen, weinen , weinen!

selbstmitleid zerfleischt mich , ich muss heute arbeiten, bin erkältet wie doof, knie schmerzt, die weihnachtskarten liegen noch ungeschrieben herum, seit tagen keine zeit  mal ins forum zu schauen...
no fun!
von wegen!
selstmitleid führt zu nix, weiss jeder , null mein ding, schnell wieder aufhören! mein ding ist: never look back, walk tall , act fine!
und ein sdt!
und ein sway, der mich zu lachen bringt!
danke für den sdt, der mir sofort schmerz und kälte aus den adern schwinden lässt!
ich kann jetzt lachen, lachen, lachen!
und bootleg iggy& ziggy ist natürlich auch hier vorhanden!
cover wurde mehrfach abgeleckt!!!
nein! achtung!
nicht, dass mir als kleine dumme frau noch vorgeworfen wird, jaja, die findet die ja nur gut, weil....
you know!
habt alle einen schönen 4ten advent!
leider kann ich gerade nicht alle beiträge lesen, aber ich denke an euch!
top mit bla! freue mich für dich!
mir fehlen noch 2, aber das wird noch!
auf keinen fall tiere!
geht auch ohne!
freue mich schon auf den shitstorm und lache lache lache!
96 smiles for animals!

Antw.: 96 Tears | SdT 18.12.2022

Antwort #2
Was'n das für ne Heulerei hier  ;) ?
I sit and watch as tears go by...oder watt?

Kaputte Knie, kaputte Knochen, ach - irgendwas tut doch immer weh! Dazu diese allgemeine Spirale in die falsche Richtung, reichen da 96 Tears?

Aus aus aus...wer Super Duper Alice Cooper gesehen hat, weiß was Abgrund heißt. Alk, Koks, dreivierteltotes Männlein und dann begegnet er Jahre später quietschvergnügt der Misses auf einem Schiff. Geht doch!

Detroit, Iggy and the Stooges noch vor meinem Auge, Iggy gibt Gas und später 96 Tears auch mit am Start, wie Sway schon schrieb. Iggy rettete sich der Legende nach bei der Musterung vor der Army und Vietnam, indem er standhaft sein bestes Stück umklammerte (da kommt mir keiner ran...) und den Militärs das Nachsehen blieb. Drummer haben starke Oberarmmuskeln! Beim Gedanken an diese Bilder könnte ich heulen, heulen, heulen vor Lachen!

Und was hat diese unglaubliche Geschichte nun mit der aktuellen Krisensituation und all den vergossenen Tränen zu tun?

No Fun?? Have fun!
Marianne, Alice, Iggy, Trude - is this Rock and Roll? Yes, it is! Zu heulen gibt's doch ansonsten genug!

Love on ya

Antw.: 96 Tears | SdT 18.12.2022

Antwort #3

look in the Forum, what do I see? A Song des Tages reaching down...to me, wunderbar!

aber... puh, was für Assoziationen und emotions kommen da aufgeflattert,    ... ja....absolut nachvollziehbar...finde ich jedenfalls

Nobody down here can do it for me (and us)
I'm in tears, I'm in tears....

96 Tränen reichen wohl kaum, für das, was die Menschen sich und dieser wonderful World antun...
aber verzweifeln, schimpfen und allwissende Überheblichkeit dem ganzen Desaster gegenüber, sind auch kein guter Boden für zarte Hoffnungs- und Erkenntniskeime...und besonnenes Handeln...

und ja, wat es nich doch all'ns gifft uff de Welt: trotz allem wunderbare Menschen und Lebewesen, Begegnungen, Musik, Erscheinungen, unverhoffte SdTs und, und, und .. zum Freuen, Lachen, Hoffen, Lieben und wat es noch all'ns gifft, wat moi is un uns Freud maakt.

Und Freude macht doch auch Folgendes:
Auf Bowiewonderworld bekommen wir Einblick in Bowie's erstellte Playlist für eine Radiosendung und aha, aha: wat hebb wi denn doa op Platz veer?

David Bowie on Star Special BBC Radio One

20th May 1979

"Hello This is David Bowie. It's a bit grey out today but I've got some Perrier water, and a bunch of records... erm, I think if I was walking outside at the moment I would like to be walking on this street... it's 'Love Street' by 'The Doors'."

1. Plays The Doors: 'Love Street'.

"A commanding performer, I remember seeing him once at... erm... I think it was the Roundhouse, when they came to London the first time... I believe I'm right... somebody else that erm... I think is working at the Roundhouse over the next few weeks... a buddy of mine, Iggy Pop, this is just something I remember with affection because it's when I was with him on tour playing piano for him this one's called 'TV Eye'."

2. Plays Iggy Pop: 'TV Eye'.

"Also on piano is a gentleman... I think, a really despondent track... erm... he'd left his band, and he was doing his first solo album.. I found it rivetingly depressing, I really enjoyed playing it to myself, it's called 'Remember' by John Lennon... very good piano, I think it's Billy Preston actually."

3. Plays John Lennon: 'Remember'.

(chuckle)... "Right... let's play 'Love Street' again ha ha no ha ha growing up and being angry, that's what this one is all about erm '96 Tears by Question Mark and The Mysterions which nobody has in their record collections ha ha... yes, they've actually got it here... good old Beeb."

4. Plays ? and The Mysterions: '96 Tears'.

"That's an extraordinary piece of music... umm... there was another incredible one by 13th Floor Elevators... I can't remember that one very well... around the same period I think... I guess some Punk freak will correct me on that one... erm... this is a Punk that I sorta grew... I was incredibly impressed by this one when I first heard it it was a real use of music in describing a situation musically... erm... and it's also nice and short, but it's classical music. It's very good... it's des... well you see what it describes... it's by Elgar."

5. Plays Elgar: 'Nursery Suite' (extract).

"It was in fact a wagon... I expect you guessed, didn't you? Ha. It was from the Nursery suite, oh and here's another nursery song... erm, this one's interesting because I thought it was a extraordinary thing to use numbers as backing vocals, I really liked that idea and I just heard it again but here's the first one I heard, it's 'Inchworm' by Danny Kaye."

6. Plays Danny Kaye: 'Inchworm'.

"Okay so that's one use of numbers, but if you want to get very modern there's a chappie called Philip Glass... listen how he uses numbers... I think probably his music could point to a particular direction that music may be... oh some aspects of music maybe going at the moment... this is from an Opera that he wrote which is about erm fifteen and a half years long and they put some selections out from this album called 'Einstein On The Beach' and this particular piece is called Trial - Prison and there is a lovely little narration in it by a one of the singers... it'll be on the left hand side of the speaker if you've got stereo, on the right hand side if you've got 'em plugged in the wrong way round."

7. Plays Philip Glass: 'Trial Prison'.

"First single that I heard when I first went to America, on the first day that I got there was in New York and I was taken over to a writers apartment that he had in probably on 8th Avenue somewhere and he played me a new album that had just come out and he was very excited about this track and so was I."

8. Plays Velvet Underground: 'Sweet Jane'.

"From the sublime to the ridiculous Brian Eno put together a compilation album of four new bands from America, one of them called 'Mars' I'm not particularly fond of much of the album but this one piece of music bowled me over, I think it's superb, it's called Helen Fordsdale."

9. Plays Mars: 'Helen Fordsdale'.

"How about that lot, it reminds me of ah I think its Minnie from the Goon Show, doesn't it you?? Helen Fordsdale (done in Goons accent). Ha ha it's the most eccentric voice I've heard in years, it's incredible erm oh oh this is quite absurd as well... guess who this is?? erm this is called 'He's A Star'... I think I got the title right... I couldn't believe this when I first heard it."

10. Plays Little Richard: 'He's My Star'.

"That was Little Richard... That's a far cry isn't it? He had this strange thing where he threw all his rings and everything away and became a preacher for a little bit and this was an outcome of that when he started doing gospel music and church music but how he changed his voice like that I must have given up something else I think erm... this is er... if you fancy yourself as a schizophrenic I think this becomes ya theme song I used to love this one... 21st Century Schizoid Man by young Robert Fripp's very exciting band King Crimson."

11. Plays King Crimson: '21st Century Schizoid Man'.

"Here's a band I admire very much, some very charming people, David Byrne in particular we're talking about 'Talking Heads' of course um, here's a track from, I think it was their last album 'More Songs About Buildings And Food' I found this very impressive it took me back actually to the early days of The Yardbirds I don't know why it's called 'Warning Sign'."

12. Plays Talking Heads: 'Warning Sign'.

"Yardbirds of course leads in very beautifully to Jeff Beck... this was a piece of music he wrote and I think they must have done it in about four and a half minutes because it really sounds like it was thrown together, but like all classics it just it still shoots out of the speakers, it's called Becks Bolero."

13. Plays Jeff Beck: 'Becks Bolero'.

"Here's a song that made me fall in love with the singer, absolutely incredible... my heart went straight out to her and it was produced by Phil Spector. I maybe wrong but I think it's the last single he ever made because he was so depressed that it didn't do anything, that nobody bought it erm which is quite ironic really 'cos the title was 'Try Some, Buy Some' by his ex wife Ronnie Spector."

14. Plays Ronnie Spector: 'Try Some, Buy Some'.

"Here's a guy that probably did as much for the early 70, sound in England as did Spector for the 60's sound in America erm single handedly changed an awful lot of what was happening soundwise in England its my old buddy Marc Bolan and 20th Century Boy, which he always will be."

15. Plays T-Rex: '20th Century Boy'.

"Okay here's some guys that followed in the tradition of what young Marc was going down I s'pose... they're called 'The Mekons' I hope they gig a lot they deserve to with this track it's called 'Where Were You'... has a beautiful sort of Velvet Underground top guitar over it."

16. Plays The Mekons: 'Where Were You'.

"There's a new singer... I don't know if he's a new singer. He's probably as... dad's heard him for years but I mean... he's new to me anyway, his name's Steve Forbert, and this is a track from his new album, I like it particularly 'cos one of my old band is on it, Dave Sanborn is playing saxophone on it, it's called 'Big City Cat'."

17. Plays Steve Forbert: 'Big City Cat'.

(hums the outro to 'Big City Cat') " Running out of things to play you... oh no, I tell ya what... this is another kind of love song also by 'The Stones'... erm this one's called 'We Love You'... I'm sure they mean it!!

18. Plays The Rolling Stones: 'We Love You'.

"Another very deserving band... this one... I think this also caught everybody's imagination, especially if you liked Humphrey Bogart it was called '2HB'... very clever pun isn't it? Isn't that a clever pun? and it's by Roxy Music."

19. Plays Roxy Music: '2HB'.

"You see ha! If you're an artist ha! 2HB is a pencil you see, 2HB!! D'ya get it?!! HB means Humphrey Bogart... That's a pun!! 'tis... that's a pun!!!... Roxy Music thought that up!! Erm... here's a great writer... um... I don't like very much what he's doing now... I loved this album when it came out, it was on Asbury Park... erm Bruce Springsteen and after I heard this track I never rode the subway again... it's called 'Saint In The City'."

20. Plays Bruce Springsteen: 'Saint In The City'.

"That really scared the living ones out of me that... here's one that also scared me 'cos it was so incredibly adventurous at the time when it was released erm... it's by Stevie Wonder and it's a startling piece called 'Fingertips'."

21. Plays Stevie Wonder: 'Fingertips'.

"Let's bring back the good weather again... let's try very hard anyway... erm... now what can we do that with.. I think we can probably do it... let's leave it to Blondie... a little up-tempo thing called 'Rip Her To Shreds'."

22. Plays Blondie: 'Rip Her To Shreds'.

"How about that then?... lovely little Debbie ... it's gotta good hook... as Kierkegaard used to say ha ha!! 'Has it got a good hook'... sad that one... really quite sad... I'm sorry that so many of these are quite sad.. it must say something about... aah it's the weather you know, it's the weather... either that or it's these shoes... really hurt... aa erm me toes hurt inbetween... I... er... got these strange sort of Japanese sandals on... and er... they hurt your toes in there... anyway, it's not hurting the music... it doesn't worry you does it?? Does it worry you?? Okay. This one's called 'Beautiful Loser' and it's by Bob Seger."

23. Plays Bob Seger: 'Beautiful Loser'.

"Now I'm not sure about that one erm... I think... I think it's quite nice... I only played it 'cos its got the word 'Lodger' in it and that's my new album title... erm but you don't have to worry 'bout that, that's just an ego problem... erm here's a track from my album and it's called 'Boys'".

24. Plays David Bowie: 'Boys Keep Swinging'.

"Now that song really does have a problem... ha ha!! It really does have a problem um well whilst we're still on the same subject here's one that I wrote... I started writing this thing in Berlin... erm and I ended up finishing this thing in New York... it's gotta sorta Turkish quality to it..erm... I find it quite hypnotic, I think it's one of my favourite tracks on the album, it's called 'Yassassin'."

25. Plays David Bowie: 'Yassassin'.

"Yassassin, if it's of any interest to you means 'long life' in Turkish. I didn't know that, I had to phone up the Turkish Embassy and find out what it meant, I read it on a wall... I read most things on a wall... I read Kierkegaard on a wall... Ha!!... He speaks highly of me as well... ha ha ha ha!!! Erm... oh well as we're talking about books and things, here's 'The Book I Read' by Talking Heads."

26. Plays Talking Heads: 'The Book I Read'.

"That's Talking Heads... see they're different to me, I mean they actually go and read the books... they've never read any walls... I've read them on a wall though... next to Kierkegaard... erm... here's a smashing Roxy Music track called 'For Your Pleasure'... and I love the 'ta-ra' at the end... it's a beautiful gesture."

27. Plays Roxy Music: 'For Your Pleasure'.

"I saw them in concert the other week in New York, it was very good... any of you see it??... the new show... I... I'm quite pleased they reformed. Their bass player is very good, awfully good bass player... he jumps very well... they got a good jumping bass player ya know, Roxy Music... excellent... one of the best little jumpers I've seen... this is erm... this is a mess... no... this is erm a track by King Curtis who is a fine musician, I hope you enjoy it, it's called 'Something On Your Mind'."

28. Plays King Curtis: 'Something On Your Mind'.

"And here are three girls who've got a very musical dad... and er one of the girls is very sexy and I keep playing her records over and over again when I'm on my own... erm it's The Staple Singers and it's called 'Lies'."

29. Plays Staple Singers: 'Lies'.

"Now she breathes very well doesn't she?" (Bowie sings) Lies... I mean the Roxy Music guy jumps better, but she can really breathe... she does a good breathe... well I'm afraid I can't find anymore to play so erm... I'm going to erm... I brought three of these records along myself by the way... erm I'll tell you which ones I brought along 'cos I knew they wouldn't have them here... it's not their fault... shops were closed... erm... I bought 'The Mekons - Where Were You'... that's mine... 'Philip Glass - Einstein On The Beach'... that's mine as well... and erm the No New York album with the wonderful 'Mars' track... that's mine as well... thought I'd let you know that I'm going out to write my name on a wall now... ...maybe I'll meet you at the wall Ha! Ha! Backs to the walls chaps!!... ok... ta-ra..."

[Outro music begins - 'Speed Of Life' from 'Low']

Einen schönen Sonntag und herzliche Grüße,Ihr Lieben, nah und fern!

Antw.: 96 Tears | SdT 18.12.2022

Antwort #4
Ein neuer SDT verdient Beachtung!
Here we go!

96 Tears! Freie Assoziationen! Kein Text!
Erinnerungen an - Sons of the silent age - schleichen sich ein. Auch hier wurden durchaus interessante Gedankengänge formuliert, die sich allerdings nur auf den Titel des songs bezogen, aber den Text ignorierten. 96T hat wenig bis gar nichts mit damaligen, oder aktuellen problemen zu tun. Worum geht's?

Ein Typ wird verlassen und (Sway hat mitgezählt) vergießt 96 tränen. Er sinnt auf Rache, indem er sie zurück gewinnt, um sie dann seinerseits zu verlassen, auf dass sie den selben Schmerz erleidet.

Schwache Leistung! Dummer Plan!
Aber he, für ne schnelle Punk-Nummer zwischendurch ... was soll's ... und irgendwo tut's eh immer weh!

Antw.: 96 Tears | SdT 18.12.2022

Antwort #5

96 Tears! Freie Assoziationen! Kein Text!

Aber he, für ne schnelle Punk-Nummer zwischendurch ... was soll's ... und irgendwo tut's eh immer weh!

„Liebekummer lohnt sich nicht mein Darling“ sang einst Siw Malmkvis. Hier geht es wie bei „96 Tears“ um gekränkte Seelen. Und ob der Anlass nun eine kalte Wohnung, teures Einkaufen, eine unfähige Regierung oder eine verfehlte Spezial-Operation ist, tut (eigentlich) nicht zur Sache. Es darf geheult werden. Das Ausmaß des Heulens darf jeder für sich entscheiden. In dem Falle von „96 Tears“ waren es ganz genau 96 Tränen (wenn ich zumindest korrekt gezählt habe). Und nach 96 Tränen war dann auch irgendwann mal Schluss.

In dem 1977iger-Medley von Iggy verkürzt Iggy zudem die Lyrics und schafft durch den nahtlosen Übergang von „1969“ über „No Fun“ hinzu „96 Tears“ eine bedrohliche Nähe zu Themen wie Vietnamkrieg, Arbeits- und Aussichtslosigkeit. Alles mündet in „96 Tears“. Das Medley hat Iggy (im Zusammenspiel mit Bowie) wirklich krass und überzeugend umgesetzt. Chapeau!

Und Freude macht doch auch Folgendes:
Auf Bowiewonderworld bekommen wir Einblick in Bowie's erstellte Playlist für eine Radiosendung und aha, aha: wat hebb wi denn doa op Platz veer?

David Bowie on Star Special BBC Radio One

20th May 1979
(chuckle)... "Right... let's play 'Love Street' again ha ha no ha ha growing up and being angry, that's what this one is all about erm '96 Tears by Question Mark and The Mysterions which nobody has in their record collections ha ha... yes, they've actually got it here... good old Beeb."

4. Plays ? and The Mysterions: '96 Tears'.

"That's an extraordinary piece of music... umm... there was another incredible one by 13th Floor Elevators... I can't remember that one very well... around the same period I think... I guess some Punk freak will correct me on that one... erm... this is a Punk that I sorta grew... I was incredibly impressed by this one when I first heard it it was a real use of music in describing a situation musically... erm... and it's also nice and short, but it's classical music. It's very good... it's des... well you see what it describes... it's by Elgar."

Und Freude macht auch „96 Tears“. Dieses kleine Miststück über einen eifer- und rachesüchtigen Liebhaber ist doch einfach ne tolle Nummer. Umso unverständlicher ist, dass diesen tollen Song heutzutage kaum noch einer kennt. Selbst unser Freund wunderte sich im Jahre 1979, dass kaum jemand diesen Song in seiner Plattensammlung sein Eigen nennt. Gibt man* 96 Tears bei Spotify ein findet man* cover-Versionen von The Stranglers, Aretha Franklin, The Modern Lovers, Suicide und vielen weiteren Künstlern. Ein Song der vermutlich viele Künstler beeinflusst hat und irgendwo auf der Strecke vergessen wurde. Schade drum….

Aber wer waren eigentlich „? and the Mysterians“ (oder „Question Mark and the Mysterians“)? Es bleiben Fragezeichen? Bis gestern ging ich davon aus, dass deren Frontman „Question Mark (Rudy Martínez)“ identisch mit Mark Farner von der Rock-Band Grandfunk Railroad ist. Tja nur die Herkunft aus Detroit sowie der Vorname Mark haben uns (erweiterter Freundeskreis) wohl in den Neunziger Jahren zu dieser Fehlannahme der Personenidentität verleitet. Zum Glück habe ich das nun  für mich geklärt, dass „Question Mark (Rudy Martínez)“ und Mark Farner zwei unterschiedliche Personen sind. Ich frage mich nun, ob es nicht vielleicht doch irgendeine Verbindung  zwischen diesen beiden Bands gibt und ich da einiges durcheinander bekommen habe…. …. Dat Chaos bringt mi üm!

Antw.: 96 Tears | SdT 18.12.2022

Antwort #6


Too many teardrops for one heart to be crying
Too many teardrops for one heart to carry on
You're way on top now since you left me
You're always laughing way down at me
But watch out now, I'm gonna get there
We'll be together for just a little while
And then I'm gonna put you way down here
And you'll start crying ninety-six tears
Cry, cry

And when the sun comes up, I'll be on top
You'll be right down there, looking up
And I might wave, come up here
But I don't see you waving now
I'm way down here, wondering how
I'm gonna get you but I know now
I'll just cry, cry, I'll just cry

Too many teardrops for one heart to be crying
Too many teardrops for one heart to carry on

You're gonna cry ninety-six tears
You're gonna cry ninety-six tears
You're gonna cry, cry, cry, cry now
You're gonna cry, cry, cry, cry
Ninety-six tears

Come on and let me hear you cry, now
Ninety-six tears, woo
I wanna hear you cry
Night and day, yeah, all night long

Uh, ninety-six tears, cry, cry, cry
Come on, baby, let me hear you cry now, all night long
Uh, ninety-six tears, yeah, come on now
Uh, ninety-six tears


Zu viele Tränen für ein Herz, um zu weinen
Zu viele Tränen für ein Herz, um weiterzumachen
Du bist jetzt ganz oben, seit du mich verlassen hast
Du lachst immer von der Seite über mich
Aber pass auf, ich werde es noch erleben
Wir werden nur für eine kleine Weile zusammen sein
Und dann werde ich dich hier unten verstecken
Und du wirst sechsundneunzig Tränen weinen
Weinen, weinen

Und wenn die Sonne aufgeht, werde ich ganz oben sein
Du wirst dort unten sein und nach oben schauen
Und ich werde winken, hier hochkommen
Aber ich sehe dich jetzt nicht winken
Ich bin hier unten und frage mich, wie
Wie ich dich kriegen soll, aber ich weiß jetzt
Ich werde einfach weinen, weinen, einfach weinen

Zu viele Tränen für ein weinendes Herz
Zu viele Tränen für ein Herz, um weiterzumachen

Du wirst sechsundneunzig Tränen weinen
Du wirst sechsundneunzig Tränen weinen
Du wirst weinen, weinen, weinen, jetzt weinen
Du wirst weinen, weinen, weinen, weinen
Sechsundneunzig Tränen

Komm schon und lass mich dich weinen hören, jetzt
Sechsundneunzig Tränen, woo
Ich will dich weinen hören
Tag und Nacht, ja, die ganze Nacht lang

Äh, sechsundneunzig Tränen, weinen, weinen, weinen
Komm schon, Baby, lass mich dich jetzt weinen hören, die ganze Nacht lang
Sechsundneunzig Tränen, ja, komm schon jetzt
Sechsundneunzig Tränen


Irre, ich konnte mich an den Song nicht erinnen, aber jetzt als ich bei YT die Schweineorgel hörte, machte es "ping".

? (Question Mark) AND THE MYSTERIANS - Michigan Rock and Roll Legends


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